


If you have not already received an email invitation to set up your Zen Planner account login, simply ask someone at the front desk for assistance in acquiring a first time temporary password. The Zen Planner app can be found in your Apple or Droid App store by searching 'Zen Planner'.  Once the app is downloaded, simply sign in using your creditials to view an updated schedule, reserve a spot in Cycling or TRX, update your profile and more! 



What classes am I allowed to take? 

Our membership gives you unlimited access to all group fitness classes on our schedule!  

How do I reserve a spot for classes? 

Use the instructions above to download our app for quick & easy sign up, or simply request a spot at the front desk. 

Can I bring a friend to class? 

Of course! A friend of yours is a friend of ours. Feel free to bring a friend to any of the classes that you enjoy - their first session is on us!